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KFIR Thursday headlines. Tune in to 720 AM for more stories.

Barr unveils plan to stop mass shootings


GOP lawmakers storm closed impeachment proceeding and demand access


Investigation into origin of FBI Russia probe reportedly expanding based upon recently discovered ‘new evidence’


At least five House Democrats used the term ‘lynching’ to describe Clinton impeachment

High School Football Friday Night Game Kick-Off 7 PM

Crescent Valley Raiders at the North Salem Vikings

Pre-Game Show Starts at 6:40 PM Live on KFIR 720 AM

KFIR Wednesday headlines. Tune in to 720 AM for more stories.

Comey friend expects criminal charges against McCabe ‘any day’ now


CNN’s Ryan Says Trump’s Proposal to Nuke Hurricanes Is Based on Racial Animus


16 children develop ‘werewolf syndrome’ after taking contaminated medication on Spain’s Costa del Sol


Pentagon chief approves 20 more miles of border wall


Man wearing MAGA hat on date night gets ‘sucker punched’

KFIR Monday headlines. Tune in to 720 AM for more stories.

Skyrocketing avocado prices leading to phony guacamole made with squash


CNN Gave Glowing Interview to Illegal Alien Evading ICE, Who Killed Father of 5 Last Week


Elderly couple found dead in apparent murder-suicide, left notes about high medical bills


Latest Biden blunder: ‘Poor kids’ are just as bright as ‘white kids’

KFIR Friday headlines. Tune in to 720 AM for more stories.

Revealed: FBI and police monitoring Oregon anti-pipeline activists


Nashville mayor releases Spanish-language video on how to avoid ICE


Mexico minister says 107 Mexicans detained in Mississippi operations


4 dead, 2 wounded in Southern California stabbings

Happy 4th of July from all of us at KFIR 720 AM

KFIR Wednesday headlines. Tune in to 720 AM for more stories.

Socialism debate roils Democratic primary


AOC end of world


These Guys Are Planning A “Straight Pride Parade” In Boston And Twitter Can’t Get Enough


Watchdog says FBI has access to about 640M photographs

KFIR Wednesday headlines. Tune in to 720 AM for more stories.

Woman tried to trespass on CIA grounds while asking to speak to ‘Agent Penis’, police say


New Jersey Politician Wants To Ban All Bags—Paper or Plastic


57% of Democrats Believe President Trump Guilty of Treason


Alexa has been eavesdropping on you this whole time

The 5 Best Things About Eugene, OR

KFIR Thursday headlines. Tune in to72 0AM for more stories.

Candace Owens: ‘White Nationalism’ Didn’t Do This Damage to Blacks, ‘Democrat Policies Did’


Pentagon to find places to potentially house up to 5,000 unaccompanied migrant children


Former FBI General Counsel: Two Members of Trump’s Cabinet Were Open to Using 25th Amendment Against Him


Feds break up $1.2 billion Medicare scam that peddled unneeded braces to seniors

KFIR Monday headlines. Tune in to 720 AM for more stories.

Exclusive — Peter Schweizer: Joe Biden ‘Steered $1.8 Billion’ to Ukraine While His Son Bagged ‘Sweetheart Deal’ from Their Government


Palo Alto Woman Fired After She Screams At And Doxxes Old Man In MAGA Hat


Rand Paul Says He Won’t Approve Release of Mueller Report Until He Gets Info on Steele Dossier


Unemployment Claims Hit 50-Year Low

KFIR Friday headlines. Tune in to 720 AM for more stories.

Twitter Won’t Ban User For Calling Black Conservative “Nappy Headed Ni**a!”


Sen. Udall: ‘We Now Have a New Kind of Refugee – Climate Refugees’


House Democrats Want ‘Oversight’ over Fox News’ Editorial Decisions


Socialists Surge To Victories In Chicago City Council


Cops: Pals Took Turns Shooting Each Other

KFIR Wednesday headlines. Tune in to 720 AM for more stories.

Europe’s controversial overhaul of online copyright receives final approval


Transgender men can still get PREGNANT after a year of testosterone injections because the ovaries ‘take longer to stop working’


Scientists Are Surprised To Find That One Of The Fastest Shrinking Glaciers Is Growing Again


Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez slams Senate Republicans over planned vote on Green New Deal

We Shut Down State Mental Hospitals. Some Want to Bring Them Back.

Pickproof your Kwikset For Less Than $1

A Message From Alex Trebek | JEOPARDY!

KFIR Wednesday headlines. Tune in to 720 AM for more stories.

Google Study: Male Employees Are Underpaid More Often Than Females


Now Facebook is allowing anyone to look you up using your security phone number


UK ‘porn block’ starts April 1 – but you can unlock it by handing over ID or buying £5 ‘porn card’ on your local high street


House Democrats likely to seek 10 years of Trump’s tax returns in coming weeks


Man Tries To Fly Back To Florida With Military Rocket-Propelled Grenade Launcher, TSA Says

Harvested alive -10 years investigation of Force Organ Harvesting

Exposing Students to Free Markets

Admiral McRaven Leaves the Audience SPEECHLESS | One of the Best Motivational Speeches