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Ultra Reality: What would you do in this situation? – LG Meteor Prank

15 minutes of Hell Fire from an Apache Gunship

Nancy Pelosi suffers brain freezes, stares at audience, waves hands while struggling to speak

#PrayForVegas | McCarran International Airport gets closed!

Mr. Rogers on tragedy


… “Look for the helpers. You will always find people who are helping.”…

RAW FOOTAGE: Las Vegas shooting

Extended Cut of Goins’ hidden ball trick

Broke by ESPN: Why Athletes go Broke!

Electric Cars Aren’t As Green As You Think

Terry Crews explains why he decided to build his own PC

Jackie Chan & Olivia Munn Answer Martial Arts Questions From Twitter | Tech Support | WIRED

Penn & Teller – The Physicist’s Deck of Cards

Space Debris 1960 – 2016

‪Penn and Teller: The great nail gun trick

The Constitution of the Spartans

Social Security Cards Explained

John Stossel – Technically, That’s Illegal

KFIR headlines. Tune in to 720 AM for more stories.

Air Force: 2 A-10 Planes Crash In Nevada; Pilots Ejected


Oregon wildfire crews robbed of equipment while sleeping


Equifax compromised 143 million people’s Social Security numbers and other data


Gore’s E-Book Sales Dwarfed by Kindle Book Debunking His Climate Claims


Police Department ‘Terrified’ After Finding Red Balloons Tied To Sewer Grates


Syrian rebel defector says his US-trained unit sold arms to ISIS


Most Voters Believe Clinton Broke the Law With Emails and Want to See FBI’s Files on Her, Poll Shows

Penn & Teller on Gun Control

A Navy SEAL explains why you should end a shower with cold water