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Ben Carson on Glenn Beck show answering Tough Rapid Fire Questions with Yes or No
From The Blaze Click here for Full Story
Warrantless NSA domestic spying
“Terrible. No, can’t do it.”
Border fence
“The right kind of fence, yes….What has worked in the past, like in Yuma County, Arizona — a double fence with asphalt so you can get rapidly from point to point.”
Fine companies that hire illegals
Deport illegals
“If they qualify as illegals. I would give people the ability to register in a certain period of time and if they have pristine records and they are willing to work as guest workers under the circumstances that we survive, they could stay. But they don’t become citizens and they don’t vote.”
Do you continue the “war on drugs?”
“Absolutely, I intensify it.”
Climate change, is it man-made and can we do anything about it?
Well, climate always changes. It’s either going up or down. We do have a responsibility to take care of our environment. That’s the real issue.”
National standards for education
“Absolutely not. The closer education is to home, the better the education is.”
Should the U.S. remain part of the United Nations
“I do not like the United Nations and unless they change I would not participate, I would defund them.”