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J&K Headlines for Wednesday

Welcome to your Wednesday December 9th, 2015

Here are some of the stories we are working on this morning…

1-The Supreme Court has rejected a major 2nd Amendment case.

2-The GOP is seeking to curb Pres. Obama’s environmental agenda.

3-Jeff & I have details about the ISIS trail of death.

4-Can or will any of Obama’s plans to talk ISIS into surrender succeed?

5-Americans who went overseas to fight with insurgents are wishing they were home instead.

6-And…the military was ready to respond in Benghazi but were turned down by Hillary Clinton.


8am TEASE….Coming Up…

Ted Cruz is now leading the pack in Iowa

The U.S. Postal Service wants you to use email.

When trying to elude police, be careful where you hide.

And Oregon’s State Fire Marshal has some safety tips.

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