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J&K Headlines for Friday

Welcome to your FREE FOR ALL FRIDAY November 6th, 2015

Here are some of the stories we are working on this morning…

1-Jeff & I will discuss the signs that your husband is unhappily married…

2-Michelle Obama is behind a 70-million effort to empower girls…in Pakistan

3-An Idaho militia group is protesting a plan to dump Syrian refugees in the Gem state…

4-U.S. Gun sales have skyrocketed for 6-months running…

5-Heroin use is exploding in Oregon

6-And…Socialists are gathering in New York City to plot a political overhaul…


8am TEASE….Coming Up…

Mt. St. Helens may be ready to blow its top…

“Think before you speak” is a PC college crusade…

An Idaho man has been told to remove Christmas decorations because they offend non-Christians…

Jeff & I will share a list of Christian friendly businesses..

And…FREE FOR ALL FRIDAY brings our weekly Netflix Picks and a review of what’s new on the small screen…

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