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J&K Headlines for Tuesday

KFIR 720AM    J&K in the AM CALL 541-367-5115

Welcome to your Tuesday September 22, 2015

Here are some of the stories we are working on this morning…

1-FBI is refusing to cooperate with a court order involving Hillary Clinton and her email debacle….


2-While denying that Islam is a sponsor of terrorism, Obama won’t reveal what he knows about Americans killed by Iran


3-An Oregon lawmaker says the Planned Parenthood controversy isn’t worthy of discussion….


4-Ever thought about having a sex change operation? Your health insurance may soon pay for it…


5-And, Pope Francis begins his North American tour today

8am TEASE….Coming Up…

Body cameras have seen expanded usage rates among police officers…

Hillsdale College is not a real college according to Obama…

Finally, someone is standing up to GOP lightweight, John Boehner…

Apple has been hit with a security breach…

PLUS The Word of the Day…and Words of Wisdom

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