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ISPY Radio Show Preview (Saturday 10AM)

Our Guests: Atty. James Hirsen & Timber Unity’s, Angelita Sanchez  

This Week: As much of America starts slowing down, self-quarantining, or through social distancing, we’ve had to rely on the very media that many have wondered if they will ever be truthful, as we assess our way through this challenge. Difficult times for sure.  Challenges that we never imagined a few weeks ago, after a big win to stop Oregon’s cap and trade bill. Only to end up faced with coronavirus, which many states’ governors have used to shut down the economy in their states.

To get a handle on these issues we talk to two people: attorney, James Hirsen, who specializes in media psychology, and Timber Unity’s spokesperson, and small business owner, Angelita Sanchez.

First up is James Hirsen, offering his insights on the media’s irresponsibility on their reporting—or misreporting—as President Trump fights his way to correct problems that Americans are facing. While having to fight off both media and Democrats attacks every step of the way. Apparently, the constant fight the last three years has given him the experience he needed to deal with Corona Virus.

It’s bad enough when the media lies or pushes outright hoaxes, but its perhaps even worse when many times the good news from the president, goes completely unreported.  Instead the, media spends their energy sensationalizing the news, the very information we try to depend on to try to make good decisions for our businesses and families.

Then up next, Angelita Sanchez who takes a more personalized approach as she helps us to understand what our nation’s truckers are experiencing; many of whom are small-businesses owners. Tune in to hear what this vital industry is faced with, as vendors they depend on for work are shut down by government.  She not only gives us insights into the big challenges they face but also tells us of good news she heard from President Trump. Angelita was fortunate enough to join a select number of small business owners for a group telephone call with the President to hear how he’s going to help keep small businesses whole. She says it gave her hope. What she shares will give you hope too.

Lots of information packed into an hour that you don’t want to miss.

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