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J&K Headlines for Tuesday

Welcome to your Tuesday November 17th, 2015

Here are some of the stories we are working on this morning…

1-One year to go, so much to get done. Jeff & I will share Mr. Obama’s to-do list…

2-An icon of conservatism says immigration is America’s biggest fight…

3-Hillary Clinton has told the GOP how to beat her…

4-One of Hillary’s closest friends says “Hillary is often confused”…

5-The U.S. Supreme Court is set to hear the biggest abortion case in the past two decades…

6-And the head of the CIA is criticizing the privacy rights of American’s…


8am TEASE….Coming Up…

Democrats are trying to throttle Conservative websites…

The teenage sexting scandals have prosecutors wearing kid gloves…

Sorry college kids, a real movement needs more than hurt feelings…

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