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J&K Headlines for Tuesday

KFIR 720AM    J&K in the AM CALL 541-367-5115

Welcome to your Tuesday October 27th, 2015

Here are some of the stories we are working on this morning…

1-The Islamic invasion has Europeans scrambling for guns…

2-Jeb Bush says Marco Rubio is Obama “light”…

3-A leading liberal voice believes that if Trump wins Iowa, he wins the Republican nomination…

4-Paul Ryan is pledging no immigration reform as long as Obama’s in office…

5-Hillary Clinton is being accused of playing the sexism card…

6-And…House GOP leaders have reached a budget deal…


8am TEASE….Coming Up…

A new ObamaCare challenge will be heard by the Supreme Court…

Jeff & I share 9-ways Hillary Clinton could still lose the nomination…

Republican Presidential candidate Lindsey Graham can’t understand why he isn’t leading…

FEMA is urging Californians to prepare for flooding…

And, Russian ships are cruising in areas that have some worried about intent…

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