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J&K Headlines for Thursday

KFIR 720AM    J&K in the AM CALL 541-367-5115

Welcome to your Thursday October 29th, 2015

Here are some of the stories we are working on this morning…

1-The CIA is being accused of giving Hollywood access to “Secret Level” information…

2-Former Disneyworld employees speak out about being forced to train there foreign replacements…

3-The NRA says they are up to fighting back against Pres. Obama’s call for more gun control…

4-Obama administration say House Republicans can’t see internal documents on climate research…

5-And…the CNBC Rep. Debate has been blasted for bias by the liberal press…


8am TEASE….Coming Up…

Worried about getting hacked? The US Naval Academy is as well…

Jeff & I will discuss the first ever swimming robotic insect…

Pumpkins have been accused of causing Climate Change …

You heard the one about “parachuting beavers? Jeff and I take a journey to the Gem State to learn more…

And, an 85-year old jewel thief is back doing what she does best…

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