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Drudge reveals what a Supreme Court Justice said ‘To my face”

The comments came in a radio interview with Alex Jones.
“I had a Supreme Court justice tell me to my face it’s over for me. Said, ‘Matt, it’s over for you. They’ve got the votes not to enforce copyright law. You’re out of there. They’re gonna make it so headlines, you can’t even use headlines,’” Drudge said. “To have a Supreme Court justice say that to my face!”

“You thought Obamacare was shocking? You thought some of these other decisions were shocking? Wait until these copyright laws work their way up and the Supreme Court decides you cannot have a website with news headlines linking across the board,” he said. “Then that will end for me.”

“Fine, I’ve had a hell of a run. It’s 20 years next year – or 20 years about now. Hell of a run,” Drudge added. “I couldn’t have gone any farther. I feel completely, I have gone as far out of the galaxy as I can on this. I still wanna stay out here. But I have gone pretty damn far for what one individual can do in this culture. But I’m talking about the future.”

Click here for full story from The Blaze

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