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Ferguson riots after teen killed by cops

A vigil was held for 18 year old Mike Brown, who was shot and killed by Ferguson law enforcement. Many residents of the community were very upset about the shooting. According to reports, Mike Brown assaulted an officer who shot and killed brown in self-defense. The controversy surrounds the fact that Mike Brown was unarmed and many residents felt the killing was an unnecessary use of force.

After the vigil some residents of Ferguson went on a rampage looting and destroying their own community. Full Story Here…
When are certain groups of people ever going to learn that rioting is just theft and destruction. It never helps resolve the issue of police brutality against ethnic minorities. They would be far better off having a peaceful protest in front of the police station or their city hall, demanding that their be a full investigation of the officer in question.

However, some people cannot pass up an opportunity to steal stuff they want and run wild destroying other peoples property. Talk about group think followed out to its logical conclusion, which is chaos. Watch the video below and you tell me if all of these people are out there because of Mike Brown or because they just want to run wild?

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