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TSA Allows illegal immigrants to fly with no ID; still treats American Citizens like potential terrorists!

In another classic example of how hypocrisy is the standard operating procedure of the Obama administration. They have directed TSA officials throughout the country to accept “notice to appear” summons given to illegal immigrants flowing over the non-border, as valid ID to fly on commercial flights. Full Story Here…

Just when you think it could not get more over the top this happens. We as American citizens really need to start asking ourselves some oblivious questions. If the TSA is supposedly in place to protect the Airlines from attack, then why would they allow illegals from other countries to fly on commercial airline flights with no real ID? Some of these immigrants are part of gangs like MS-13 and many of the individuals coming across the boarder are from countries who have real terrorist groups operating within their boarders. More importantly it shows that the TSA is more about creating the illusion of safety, than actually trying to prevent terrorism. To further this point, how can we have national security when the entirety of the southern US boarder is completely undefended?

After honestly asking yourself these questions and more importantly what they imply, you will not like your conclusions. The fact of the matter is this, the US government is more worried about American citizens being a threat to their complete control of our current society than any external threat. How else would you explain the extent of the Police State in our country? You have the NSA, who is now known as the National Stasi Administration, because of its exact replication of the tactics used in east Germany during the cold war. Lets not forget the federalization of our cities police forces across the nation with increasing military equipment including armored personnel carries and so on. I could go on and on, however it is up to you the American citizenry to inform yourself and resist this double standard being implemented in our country.


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