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The Foriegn Invasion Continues….

There are so many different aspects of the foreign invasion across our southern boarder to discuss, that it has become difficult to focus on just one. With that in mind lets just hit the highlights today.
1.) The Obama administration has just requested 3.8 Billion dollars to supposedly secure the boarders. We all know that he is lying and plans to use those funds to temporarily house and care for them, as the current facilities are at capacity.
2.) The United Nations is trying to push the talking point that these are refugees from a war torn nation. Despite the fact that they do not qualify for Asylum under US law. Full Story here….
3.) In a leaked report from DHS shows that they deported about only 1% of dreamers in 2013. Which means that all of these minors currently flooding over to our country will likely not be deported, despite what the dictator in chief says. Full Story here…
4.)The president refuses to go the boarder to take responsibility for the chaos his policies have brought on us. Instead he will stop by Austin to pick up some campaign contributions from a fundraiser put on by the biggest racist I can think of. Full Story here…

When one thinks about the actions of the administration, it becomes very clear that they are going to illegally bring as many foreign nationals into the US as possible. The entire time they will talk about deporting them, however, we know that they lie about everything. The end game is that they want to turn Texas and other conservative states Blue. They do this by getting illegals drivers licenses to enable them to vote, democratic naturally.
My hope is that more citizens of all races and creeds understand this is not a race issue, but a legal issue. We cant pay for all of the worlds poor, despite what the statue of Liberty says. (Thanks for nothing France)
I encourage all of the protestors in Murrieta to stand strong in the face of LA RAZA and the federal government.


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