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Germany tells CIA section chief to leave the country

In the latest development regarding the NSA spying scandal in Germany, Angela Merkel has asked the CIA section chief to leave the Country. Full Story here….

This request was due to a German government’s internal investigation targeting a German intelligence officer, who was selling secrets to the CIA. This is off the heels of more leaks by Edward Snowden, which showed details of how the NSA and CIA were spying German citizens even the prime minister herself.

Germany has repeatedly requested that the US to enter into a no-espionage treaty, like they have with Britain and a few other countries. The US continues to refuse, saying that they have to many conflicting national interests.

In my opinion all of this spying conducted against Germany by the US will only push them into deeper ties with Putin’s Russia. Between this debacle and the sanctions on Russia pressed by the US on the Germany will cement that relationship further.

When the US government finally pushes Russia and China into a position where they have to fight, don’t be surprised when Germany and the rest of Europe sit out World War 3 on the sidelines.


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