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Anti-Semitism in Europe is growing at a frighting rate

The recent military incursion by the Israels government into the Gaza strip has brought massive condemnation from their supposed western allies and the United Nations. I concur that this tragedy is awful and that hundreds of innocent Palestinians are dieing. However, I do feel that the state of Israel has every right to defend its citizens from rocket attacks and other forms of violence which are coming from the Gaza strip.

All that aside, what I find even more disturbing is the dramatic rise in Antisemitism throughout Europe. It is getting super nasty fro Jews living in Britain,France, Germany, and Italy. and another story out Rome here…

When did these countries populaces suddenly turn on the Jewish people? When we look closer at the protestors the are almost exclusively Muslim’s. It is not like these individuals are just peacefully protesting in the streets, they are spray painting swastikas, hailing Hitler, and causing property damage to Jewish business. In the one month Britain has reported more than 100 hate crimes against Jewish people. This is a very serious and disturbing trend which leads me to ask how did Europe become so antisemitic?

The answer lies within the structure of the European Union. Under the control of the Eu most of these historically pro Jewish countries have been forced to open their borders to 10 of millions of migrants from Turkey, Palestine, eastern Europe, and many other countries whom have a heavy Muslim population.

This trend makes me very uncomfortable as here in the US as under the NAFTA agreement we are being led to the same result. With no southern border, we are being invaded by a culture that is far different from ours. Just as the Muslims in Europe these individuals are not looking to assimilate, they are looking to subvert our culture and replace it with pro-Latino message of reconquista or La Raza culture. Keep a watchful eye on the US as she will change as Europe has moving forward into a more integrated North American Union.


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