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Supreme Court on a roll…..

This morning the Supreme Court got another decision right. They ruled in a close 5-4 decision to allow Hobby Lobby and other corporations structured similarly, to forgo paying for contraception for their workers. Justice Roberts was the deciding vote in favor of supporting religious freedom from the Obamacare mandate. We should not forget that it is the same justice Roberts who flip flopped, when the law first came to the courts and effectively ruled that it was constitutional for force people to participate in commerce against their will or be fined by the IRS.

More importantly it reminds constitutionally minded individuals, that this country is 1 supreme court justice away from the executive branch and the supreme court effectively become one unified voice in support for progressive authoritarianism. If any of the conservative justices pass on while Obama or his democratic successor are in office, they will choose another progressive justice to fill the seat.

With the supreme court in the pocket of the White House Ideologically and a congress whom has already abrogated many of its enumerated powers to the bureaucracy. This will leave the White House in a position where they can continue to issue executive orders like a monarchy and with an army of recently militarized bureaucrats push their will upon the American people. However, as long as people have food in their stomachs and the one eyed monster to tell them how great everything is, they wont miss the fact that our country is no longer a representative government by any measurement based in reality.


Read the full story here….

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