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Charles Krauthammer on Obama’s recent USA is lazy comment

“No one is asking him to go out there and a cheerleader. But when you call your own country lazy when you are abroad and call it unambitious and soft when you are home, I think what you are showing is nothing but ill-concealed contempt. Obama is ready to blame everybody except himself for the lousy economy. The lack of investment. Why are people reluctant to invest? We have the highest corporate tax rate in the world, in the industrialized world. Obama has spoken about it. One issue on which the republicans would have agreed on lowering that rate, eliminating the loopholes in three years in office. He has done nothing. Trying to shut down $1 billion plant that was constructed as a favor to obama union ally people look abroad and say this isn’t a place I want to do business. It’s his issues, his overregulation over taxation. All the red tape he has added. Now he blames Americans’ laziness. Unseemly. “

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