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DMV Offices will be closed April 16th

DMV offices will be closed Friday, April 16 

Friday is a mandatory statewide unpaid closure for most state offices

The Oregon DMV headquarters and all DMV field offices throughout the state will be closed Friday, April 16. The closure is the fourth of 10 statewide mandatory unpaid “furlough” days for employees scheduled through June 2011.

However, during these closures, customers still can do business with DMV by mail or online. Online services include most passenger vehicle registration renewals, change of address and notice of sale of your vehicle.

DMV offices will reopen on their regularly scheduled days and times after the furlough day.


Under Oregon’s cost-saving furlough plan, state employees must take 10 to 14 unpaid days off – depending on their salary level – during the 2009-11 state budgetary period. Ten of those days are statewide closures for offices that do not provide emergency services or require round-the-clock staffing. State employees who are required to take additional unpaid furlough days are scheduling them in much the same way they schedule vacation

DMV is one of the state agencies that is required to observe the mandatory closures, which are all scheduled for Fridays. Here are the seven remaining statewide closures:

* April 16, 2010

* June 18, 2010

* Aug. 20, 2010

* Sept. 17, 2010

* Nov. 26, 2010 (day after Thanksgiving)

* March 18, 2011

* May 20, 2011

For more information about the statewide mandatory unpaid closures, visit the Department of Administrative Services’ Web site at

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